Our Team
Who we are

Dr Lewis Turner, Chief Executive
Hi, I’m Lewis and I am the Chief Executive of Lancashire LGBT. My background is in equality and inclusion, criminal justice, education and health inequalities. I also have particular expertise in trans issues and deliver our trans training package. I was a member of the Government LGBT Advisory Panel from 2019-2021. I am proud to lead a fabulous team of staff and volunteers!

Levi Gibbs, Support Worker
Hi I’m Levi and I am the support worker at Lancashire LGBT. I’m here to help engage people with our services and offer one-to one support to the LGBTQ+ community, with an aim of improving mental health and wellbeing. I also facilitate our peer support group called Manspace. My background is in mental health support work, and I have a degree in counselling, coaching and psychological interventions, specialising in wellbeing coaching.

Didier Muller, Programme Coordinator
Hi I am Didier and I am the programme coordinator at Lancashire LGBT and my role is to manage all our volunteers, run social media, our website, and our information service. I also facilitate our support group for counsellors and group facilitators. My background is in LGBTQ+ human rights and politics research. I have spent the last 5 years working in and volunteering for different not-for-profit organisations, including regional and national LGBTQ+ charities.

Luise Usiskin, Business Development Officer
Hi, I’m Luise, I am an EDI consultant, and I’ve been proud to support the absolutely incredible work that Lancashire LGBT do for over a year now. My background is in LGBTQ+ inclusion in public and private services and it is an area I care deeply about at both the personal and professional level. Together we are working on the new LGBTQ+ Inclusion scheme supporting local organisations to be inclusive of all LGBTQ+ people as employers and as service providers.

Neil Darby, Chair
Hi, I am Neil and I am the Chair of the Trustees. I am proud to be a trustee of Lancashire LGBT and to support the important work done to help LGBTQ+ people across Lancashire. Our communities are stronger for their diversity and Lancashire LGBT does excellent work to support people and organisations to promote an LGBTQ+ friendly environment.

Alex Cullingford, Treasurer
Hi, I am Alex and I am the Treasurer for the board of Trustees. It is a privilege to be part of the board and assist with the charity’s life changing work. I have a background in Accounting and Finance, focusing on the Education Charity sector.

Barbara Cumberland, Safeguard Lead
Hi, I am Barbara and I am the Safeguard lead for the board of Trustees and Lancashire LGBT. It is a privilege to be a part of Lancashire LGBT. I have a background in schools and education.

Janet Smeeton
Hi I’m Janet and I am a trustee at Lancashire LGBT. I’m happily retired from many years spent in Local Government. As a trustee I look forward to the challenges of setting the strategic direction for the future of such an important and impactful charity.

Sandra Taylor
Hi, I’m Sandra and one of the Trustees here at Lancashire LGBT. My career have been in mental health, originally as an Occupational Therapist and now as a relationship therapist, and trainer and supervisor of therapists – particularly focusing on LGBTQ+ and broader diversity work. I’m honoured to be supporting the growth of the vital work of this charity.

Paul Kellett
Hi, I am Paul and I am one of the trustees here at Lancashire LGBT. Over recent years I have campaigned to make real change to the lives of LGBTQ+ community and feel passionate about the work of this amazing charity. Working within the private sector, I am a member of an LGBTQ+ Employee Network that is driving forward organisational change leading to a safer working environment for all employees