For Individuals

- Asylum & Immigration
- Bereavement
- Bisexuality
- Disability
- Domestic Violence
- Eating Disorders
- Education
- End of Life
- Faith:
- Forced Marriage
- Hate Crime
- Housing and Homelessness
- Intersex
- Legal Advice – e.g. Discrimination at Work
- LGBT Media
- LGBTQ+ Parenting, Adoption & Fostering
- LGBTQ+ Sport
- Mental Health
- Older People support
- Parents of LGBTQ+ people
- Schools
- Sexual violence, Domestic violence and assault support
- Sexual Health and HIV / AIDS services
- Substance and Alcohol Use
- Support after Suicide
- Trans services
- Young LGBTQ+ People
Asylum & Immigration
Red Cross Preston asylum seeker drop-in –
10:00am-13:30pm every Thursday (arrive before 10am):
St Cuthbert Church Centre (Douglas Hall)
Lytham Road, Fulwood, Preston PR2 3AR.
Rainbow Migration (National LGBTQ+ migrant and refugee charity)
Micro Rainbow (National housing charity for LGBTQ+ refugees) https://microrainbow.org/
Lesbian Immigration Support Group (in Manchester)
African Rainbow Family (supports LGBTQ+ refugees and asylums seekers)
Watson Ramsbottom solicitors in Blackburn (experienced in working with LGBT clients)
Sahara Project in Preston– Women’s only service for black and ethnic minority women. Services includes support with immigration and English https://www.saharainpreston.org.uk/ 01772 702090
Free English classes- University of Central Lancashire, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 2XB, Room: Livesey House Building, First Floor, Rooms 126 and 127 https://www.uclan.ac.uk/cpd/courses/free-english-classes
Cruse Bereavement Care
BiPhoria social and support group (based in Manchester)
Disability Equality North-West
Regard – the national organisation for disabled lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender people
Domestic Violence
Lancashire Victim Services– Tel: 0300 323 0085 , E-mail info@lancashirevictimservices.org
Website: www.lancashirevictimservices.org. Secure E-mail: vcu.lancashire@victimsupport.cjsm.net
Be Free – PAC (Positive Action in the Community)– A domestic abuse service which supports victims or witnesses of domestic abuse in the Pendle and Rossendale area. Also, in Pendle, a children’s services team which provides the same support as above to children and young people aged 4-18. Helpline 01282 726000 Email: info@p-a-c.org.uk Website https://www.p-a-c.org.uk/be-free-adults/
GALOP – LGBT Domestic Violence national helpline 0800 999 5428 www.galop.org.uk For further information, please contact info@galop.org.uk
Loving Me – Support for Trans and Non-Binary victims of Domestic Abuse or Sexual Violence Helpline number: 07902 478958
Website https://www.lovingme.uk/
National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Project– This project aims to improve the infrastructure and support for reporting of LGBT+ domestic abuse as well as making it easier for LGBT+ people to seek help when they need it.
The project has an extensive website at https://www.consortium.lgbt/2020/02/19/national-lgbt-domestic-abuse-project/
The Birchall Trust– The Birchall Trust offers counselling and support to survivors of rape, sexual abuse and sexualised violence. They offer counselling to ages 4 years and above (children, young people and adults). They also offer pre-trial counselling too. Their website is www.birchalltrust.org.uk
Eating Disorders
Beat Eating Disorders– National eating disorder charity that support people of all ages. https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk/get-information-and-support/get-help-for-myself/i-need-support-now/
LGBT+ History Month
Schools Out
End of Life
Compassion in Dying www.compassionindying.org.uk
Advance Decisions: www.mydecisions.org.uk
Liberty Church (LGBTQ+ inclusive church in Blackpool) www.libertychurchblackpool.org.uk
LGBTQ Sunday – Lancaster LGBTQ+ Christians and friends – 3pm first Sunday of every month at The Cornerstone, Dalton Square, LA1 1PX – LGBTQ-led service, friends and allies welcome, informal with reflection and conversation, safe space for all – www.LGBTQSunday.uk
Hidayah (LGBT+ Muslims) https://www.hidayahlgbt.co.uk
Purple Souls (Lancashire based charity that supports LGBTQ+ Muslims) https://www.purplesouls.co.uk/ email: purplesouls2023@gmail.com
Imaan (LGBTQI Muslim Support) www.imaan.org.uk
Naz and Matt Foundation- Are a specialist charity providing a comprehensive range of trauma informed 1-2-1 and group support services to LGBTQI+ individuals, or their parents, from religious or culturally conservative backgrounds. They work mainly in the areas of religious and cultural homophobia, ‘honour’ based abuse, LGBTQI+ forced marriage and conversion therapy, all of which fall under the wider umbrella category of domestic abuse. https://www.nazandmattfoundation.org/
Jewish LGBT+ Group www.jglg.org.uk
OneBodyOneFaith (formerly Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement)
Forced Marriage
Lancashire Constabulary web page:
Hate Crime
True Vision – Police’s National Hate Crime Reporting website
True Vision
Lancashire Police – Hate Crime Reporting
UK LGBT Hate Crime Helpline
People across England, Scotland and Wales who have experienced, witnessed or know someone who is experiencing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Hate Crime can contact the LGB&T Hate Crime helpline on 0808 801 0661, or visit the websitewww.stophateuk.org, for support and information. The helpline is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year; calls are free from landlines and most mobiles but they can always call you back if you want.
Stop Hate UK National anti-Hate charity. They have a page which explains how to report online hate crime and hate speech. https://www.stophateuk.org/about-hate-crime/what-is-online-hate-crime/how-to-report-online-hate/
Housing and Homelessness
Albert Kennedy Trust is a LGBTQ+ charity that supports young people 16-25 who are struggling with housing and homelessness. You can contact them via this page https://www.akt.org.uk/contact
Foxton Centre Foxton Centre runs a homeless day centre which is located on Fox Street, Preston (in the basement of the Central Methodist Church in the City Centre). This is open 09:00-17:00. Here you can find help with finding temporary and permanent accommodation. To contact the Foxton Centre call 01772 555925, or email info@foxtoncentre.co.uk
Lancashire Mind run housing support and independent living advice https://www.lancashiremind.org.uk/pages/26-housing
Stonewall Housing run a free housing-related advice helpline for all LGBTQ+ people, this is open everyday 10:00-13:00. Call 0800 6404 404.
Shelter are a national housing charity that run several one to one services in Lancashire, from their centre in Blackburn. https://england.shelter.org.uk/get_help Shelter also have a resource page for those wanting to find other LGBTQ+ people to privately rent with. You can access here: How to find an LGBTQ+ friendly home – Shelter England
Key Key supports young people aged 16-25 from Chorley and South Ribble who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. They can make referrals for supported accommodation if appropriate (16/17-year-olds need to have been referred to Children’s Social Care). Drop in is open from 12-3pm Monday to Friday for housing advice or you can telephone 01772 678979 to make an appointment. Unit 2 Balfour Court, Leyland, Lancashire, PR25 2TF. They hold a social drop-in Tuesday and Thursday 12-1pm for coffee and a chat. They have internet facilities which can be used to apply for housing, apply for benefits or apply for employment etc. Young people who are homeless can use their shower and laundry facilities. www.keycharity.org.uk
Intersex UK
Legal Advice – e.g. Discrimination at Work
Stephensons law firm – head office in Wigan – advice to individuals and employees on matters of discrimination, nationally.
Harrison Drury solicitors – branches in Preston, Garstang, Clitheroe, Lancaster and Kendal
Probate guide and things to do when someone passes away:
Probate guide
LGBT Media
Diva www.divamag.co.uk
Gay Times www.gaytimes.co.uk
Attitude www.attitude.co.uk
LGBTQ+ Parenting, Adoption & Fostering
Trans Pac– resources for trans parents, carers and their families, as well as providing information for the professionals with whom they come into contact. Their website: Transpac – Trans Parents and Carers (positiveidentities.org.uk) Email: positive.identities@barnardos.org.uk
Rainbow Families is a support group for LGBTQ+ parents and parents of LGBTQ+ people in Lancashire. Email is rainbowfamiliesbwd@gmail.com
Proud 2B Parents (LGBT Parents’ group)
and www.facebook.com/Proud2bParents
Lancashire County Council – Fostering
Adoption Lancashire and Blackpool www.adoptionlancashireblackpool.org.uk
Parallel Parents (fostering organisation)
LGBTQ+ Sport
Pride Sports / Pride Games (Manchester)
Typhoons inclusive Rugby Union Football Club (Preston)
Mental Health
Rainbow Mind: A mental health and well-being service run by mind. https://linktr.ee/rainbowmind They run Queer Connect a new bi-monthly drop-in group run by young, queer folk (18-25)
Switchboard: the national LGBTQ+ phone line. Call 0800 0119 100 or head to https://switchboard.lgbt/
Lancashire Care Mental Health Access Line
Tel 111 – North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) will triage and transfer relevant calls.
Pink Therapy– directory of LGBTQ+ counsellors based in the UK https://pinktherapy.com/
Child Action North West
http://www.canw.org.uk. Can provide counselling for children and young people up to age 19 with sexual orientation or gender identity issues, provided the child is resident in, or goes to a school in, the Lancashire County Council area (i.e. excluding the unitary authorities of Blackpool and Blackburn with Darwen).
Minds Matter talking therapies
NHS Tips for coping with depression
Mind OUT – LGBTQ+ project based in Brighton and Hove
Staying safe net is an online self-help resource for those struggling with their mental health https://www.stayingsafe.net/about
Healthwatch are a national health charity. They have a helpful directory for those who want support with their mental health. https://healthwatchlancashire.co.uk/mental-health-support/
Steph Cole counsellor Steph works with young people as well as adults. https://welldoing.org/counsellors/steph-cole-person-centredhumanistic-counsellor-online
Owen Spencer counsellor A Gender, Sex and Relationship Diversity counsellor (GSRD) who works with individuals and couples within and outside the LGBTQIA+ community. Focused on a person-centred approach and other combined elements that fit the clients needs. http://www.ospencercounselling.co.uk Email: owen@ospencercounselling.co.uk FaceBook: facebook.com/owenspencercounselling, Instagram: instagram.com/ospencercounselling
Older People support
Rainbow Call Companions
A national charity called Reengage offers this telephone befriending service to LGBTQ+ people aged 75+.
Age UK Lancashire national charity with local branches in Lancashire. Provides several services which are inclusive to LGBTQ+ people. https://www.ageuk.org.uk/lancashire/ . They also provide one to one digital support and lessons on how to get online, email Email: helptogetonline@ageuklancs.org.uk
Telephone: 0300 303 1234
Parents of LGBTQ+ people
Proud Trust is a charity supporting young LGBTQ+ people and their families. The proud trust runs several support groups, including an online group for parents of young LGBTQ+ people needing support. https://www.theproudtrust.org/trusted-adults/groups/groups-for-parents-and-carers/
Rainbow Families is a support group for LGBTQ+ parents and parents of LGBTQ+ people in Lancashire. Email is rainbowfamiliesbwd@gmail.com
Gendered Intelligence is a national trans led charity for trans people and their families. They run online support groups including an online group for parents of young trans people. Head to https://genderedintelligence.co.uk/services
Transparent support group for parents of trans people. Monthly meet-up at a venue in Blackpool. For more information contact hello@lancslgbt.org.uk
Bernardos– Offer “positive identities” training to schools to tackle homophobia and transphobia among young people https://www.barnardos.org.uk/get-support/support-for-young-people/lgbt
Proud Trust– Offer training to schools and resources https://www.theproudtrust.org/schools-and-training/
Just like Us- Offer talks to schools delivered by LGBTQ+ people talking about their experiences growing up LGBTQ+ https://www.justlikeus.org/home/get-involved/school-talks/
Sexual violence, Domestic violence and assault support
Trust House is a Lancashire based charity that provides person centred support to those affected by any kind of sexual violence or abuse. 01772 825288 https://trusthouselancs.org/
Galop is a UK-based anti-LGBTQ+ abuse charity. They operate a helpline for LGBTQ+ survivors of sexual violence and abuse. The number is 0800 999 5428
Loving me– provides specialist one to one support by qualified and experienced Domestic Violence Advisors who also identify as Trans, Non-binary and Gender queer. help@lovingme.uk
Sexual Health and HIV / AIDS services
Renaissance UK
Healthier Living project – a free & confidential service providing support for those living with and affected by HIV in Lancashire and Blackburn with Darwen
M2M Sexual Health Clinic – for men who have sex with men. Tuesdays 5.30 – 8.00pm at Horizon in Blackpool.
Horizon is a LGBTQ+ alcohol, drugs and sexual health support organisation based in Blackpool which runs sexual health clinics for LGBTQ+ people and offer free sexual health kits. To contact them call 01253 311431
Blackpool and Lancashire Sexual Health Services
Terrence Higgins Trust:
AVERT – Facts about Sexual Health and HIV
Living Well with HIV
Substance and Alcohol Use
We Are With You – provides free, confidential support with alcohol, drugs and mental health from local services or online
Renaissance UK- provide alcohol and drug harm reduction support at Horizon on Dickson Road in Blackpool https://ren-uk.com/drugs-alcohol-harm-reduction/ To contact them call 01253 311431
Red Rose Recovery run a new support group for LGBTQ+ people with lived experience of alcohol and drug misuse. This group runs every Wednesday afternoon from 2-3pm from their office in Preston on Lune Street. If you would like more information please contact Tay Lloyd on Taylor.Lloyd@redroserecovery.org.uk. Their general advice phone line is 01772 821440
Inspire is a Lancashire wide charity that provides support with recovery from addiction and dependence Preston – Inspire North and Central Lancashire (changegrowlive.org)
Support after Suicide
AMPARO – provides emotional and practical support for anyone affected by suicide.
SpeakOUT– is a virtual group for anyone who identifies as LGBTQ+ or who has lost an LGBTQ+ loved one to suicide. Meets last Monday of every month. Email: speakout@uksobs.org
Trans services
Mermaids – support for families with trans or non-binary children
Renaissance Trans Support Group at The Gynway Guesthouse, Blackpool. 2 meetings/socials a month on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. https://www.facebook.com/Blackpool-Renaissance-Trans-Support-Group-194379587311631/ and http://www.gynwayblackpool.com/renaissance_transgender_forum.htm.
Gendered Intelligence
GIRES – Gender Identity Research & Education Society
- Leaflets for children of parents who are transitioning: https://www.gires.org.uk/explaining-to-children/
Trans* masculine support and advice
The Beaumont Society
Depend – support to all family members, spouses, partners and friends of transsexual people in the UK
Transgender – NHS Gender Dysphoria Clinics
Trans Media Watch – a charity dedicated to improving media coverage of trans and intersex issues
Trans Health Intel- a resource for trans people looking for trans-friendly gp surgeries in the UK, https://www.transhealthcareintel.com/
TransActual- a resource for trans people on trans related healthcare, and for those providing care in the health service to trans people. https://www.transactual.org.uk/
Curves Photography Studios (for photoshoots) 1 Craven Court, Altrincham WA14 5DY, Tel. 0161 274 9084 Email: info@curvesstudios.co.uk
Website: curvesphotographystudios.co.uk
LGBT-inclusive Barber’s Shop Roy’s, 129 Red Bank Road, Bispham, Blackpool FY2 9HZ.
Tel. 01253 356621. See Facebook link.
RCNQ hair salon, Manchester Located in Manchester’s Northern Quarter, specialising in gender-neutral hair services, trans and non binary services. An LGBTQIA+ owned space. Also featuring Barber Below, their gender neutral barbering space. rcnq.co.uk and barberbelow.com.
Laser Hair Removal service (Bispham, Blackpool)
Laser Hair Removal service (Southport) Mrs Gail Rodgers, Salon address 195, Lord Street, Southport, Merseyside PR8 1PF. Telephone n.o 07548523343. Book via gailcreed121@hotmail.co.uk
Makeover Girl – Reinvent Yourself: An Image Consultancy specialising in Transgender Image & Style. Studio in Eccleston near Chorley. https://www.makeovergirl.co.uk/ Also on Facebook.
Makeup Lessons: Private Makeup Lessons for Trans Individuals, from Nicola Jane
Gender Swap- national charity that provides a wide range of services including a free clothing group, pop-up events and style workshops to support trans folks and the wider LGBTIQ+ community. https://genderswap.org/services
Young LGBTQ+ People
Bernardos– Run support services in local areas for young LGBTQ+ people https://www.barnardos.org.uk/get-support/support-for-young-people/lgbt
Kooth Digital Health service for 11-18 year olds Kooth is a trusted NHS partner that provides free mental health support for 11-18 year olds at Kooth.com There is no GP or school referral needed, or waiting list
Lancashire Mind provide a free coaching service for young people living in Lancashire, between the ages of 10-18. https://www.lancashiremind.org.uk/project/childrens-virtual-wellbeing-coaching/
Lancashire County Council Children & Family Wellbeing Service
http://www.lancashire.gov.uk/youthzone/things-to-do/groups/lgbt/ contact pout@lancashire.gov.uk.
- Burnley LGBT+ Young People’s group (POUT)
LGBT youth group for young people aged 12-19. run by Lancashire County Council’s Children & Family Wellbeing Service. Email POUTburnley@lancashire.gov.uk.
- Chorley LGBT+ Young People’s group (POUT)
LGBT youth group for young people aged 11 (at high school) – 17 years. Held at Inspire Youth Zone, Chorley and it is by invitation only, on a Sunday evening. Any young people visiting would have to be signed up members of the youth zone. Contact: email jennifer.mcgillivray@inspireyouthzone.org.
- Pendle LGBT+ Young People’s group (POUT)
LGBT youth group for young people aged 12-19. Run by Lancashire County Council’s Children & Family Wellbeing Service in Nelson. Email POUTpendle@lancashire gov.uk
- Preston’s LGBTQ+ Young People’s group (BREAD)
Meets on Tuesday evenings. For further information please email PrestonTYS@lancashire.gov.uk.
- South Ribble LGBT+ Young people’s group (POUT)
LGBT youth group for young people aged 12-19. Run by Lancashire County Council’s Children & Family Wellbeing Service in Leyland. Email pout@lancashire.gov.uk
Work It Out LGBTQ+ youth group (Blackburn, Burnley and Hyndburn)
Email Jessica Knapman for information. (Jessica.Knapman@brook.org.uk)
AKT – Digital Mentoring with “inter-AKT”
A safe and non-judgemental space for young people 16-25 years old who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or questioning their gender identity or sexual orientation to access support.
The Proud Trust – Based in Manchester but runs young peoples groups: Fusion youth group (13-19), Brolly squad (trans and non binary, 13-19) and Proud young adults (18-25) www.theproudtrust.org
Bernado’s– support LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and those questioning their sexual or gender identity) children, young people and their families in the UK. Head to https://www.barnardos.org.uk/get-support/support-for-young-people/lgbt
PAPYRUS UK (Prevention of Young Suicide)
Pace Yourself UK – information for young LGBT people and their families and friends
Gendered Intelligence– are a trans led charity for trans people, including young trans and non-binary people. They run several online groups including online youth groups. They also run yearly residentials and retreats for young trans people. Head to https://genderedintelligence.co.uk/services?category=secondary#for-family-of-trans-people