This Pride, Lancashire LGBT is calling on Lancashire to become #LGBTaware

As the Pan-Lancashire LGBTQ+ charity, our vision is for all LGBTQ+ people in Lancashire to be safe and feel a sense of pride and belonging to their local community

That is why this Pride season we are calling on all those with a support role to become #LGBTaware and help make a difference

How do I become #LGBTaware?

You can become #LGBTaware by booking onto one of our upcoming FREE LGBTQ+ Awareness workshops, where you will:

  • Learn how to reduce the barriers LGBTQ+ people experience accessing mental health support
  • Gain an understanding from people with lived experience, of how being LGBTQ+ can impact mental health
  • Learn how reduce or eliminate heteronormative assumptions, practices and systems in mental health support

You will also receive a takeaway pack and a fabulous #LGBTaware badge!

Book a spot and become #LGBTaware

Here is some feedback we have received for the workshops so far:

“Really insightful and informative day. Lancashire LGBT are raising awareness of individual care needs and support”

“Fab day hosted by Lancashire LGBT around barriers LGBTQ+ people face when accessing mental health services. Important to think about the steps we can take to help the LGBTQ+ community in Lancashire”