Lancs LGBT
Lancashire LGBT Peer Support Groups

Lancashire LGBT runs several peer support groups for LGBTQ+ people who over the age of 18.
To attend the groups you must first register as a member. You can do this by completing a registration form via the links provided below. You can find out when the groups are running each month by checking out the Lancashire LGBT Calendar.

Manspace is a Lancashire LGBT support group for gay, bisexual, trans and queer men (including masc identifying non-binary people) aged 18 upwards.
This group runs twice a month, online and face to face. You can register to join the group here.

LGBTQ+ Women and Non-Binary group is a Lancashire LGBT support group for gay, bisexual, trans and queer women (including femme identifying non-binary people) aged 18 upwards.
This group runs twice a month online. You can register to join the group here

Trans-Masc support group is a Lancashire LGBT support group for any trans and non-binary masc presenting person aged 18 upwards.
This group runs once a month online. You can register to join the group here