Gender Outreach Drop-in


Gender outreach workers Jenny and Brad run a drop-in service at UCLan for trans and non-binary people who are on the waiting list for gender care or who need support with their gender identity. To attend please call 0800 183 1486.

LGBT+ Women and Non-Binary group

LGBQ+ Women and non-binary group is a support group for gay, bisexual, trans and non-binary women aged 18 upwards. You can register to join the group here

Manspace support group

Manspace is a support group for Gay and Bisexual men (including trans men and masc identifying non-binary people) aged 18 upwards. You can register to join the group here

Trans-Masc support group

Trans-Masc support group is a support group for any trans and non-binary masc presenting person aged 18 upwards. You can register to join the group here

LGBT+ Women and Non-binary group

LGBQ+ Women and non-binary group is a support group for gay, bisexual, trans and non-binary women aged 18 upwards. You can register to join the group here

LGBT+ Walking group

Our walking group is open to all LGBTQ+ people, and their friends or family. Walks are of medium length (5-7 miles). There is no sign up for this group but you will be asked for details on the day. For more information contact Lancashire LGBT on 07788 295521 or email  

Manspace support group

Manspace is a support group for Gay and Bisexual men (including trans men and masc identifying non-binary people) aged 18 upwards. You can register to join the group here

© Lancashire LGBT is a registered charity (no. 1137578)